Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Womanism, Feminism, and Privilege

Okay so I have been reading these blogs lately (Womanist Musings, TransGriot) and I think they're great. They're addressing issues that otherwise might not be addressed and I highly encourage people to check them out. However I take issue with them. Both sites are really down on Feminism. I admit feminism has its problems but their reasons for not liking feminism seems hypocritical and slightly uninformed. First radical feminism is not all feminism. I have seen other feminist blogs take up transgendered issues (Feministing, Feminste) and issues of racism, homophobia and the like. Oh and then both Renee(Womanist Musings) and Monica(TransGriot) said white women could not be womanists because it was a private space for women of color to express their issues. Really? You bitch about feminism's problems with racism and white privilege but actively exclude others based on race? What about your Western privilege? You get undeserved privileges just by living in a Western country. These countries and their citizens get an unfair piece of the world's pie and benefit on the backs of other "people of color". So that is why I will never id as a womanist, never mind the fact I don't like the word "woman", because you're just as bad as the people who condemn.

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